الثلاثاء، 6 سبتمبر 2011

How to prospect?

Prospecting is one of the challenging yet the simplest areas in Network Marketing in that it doesn't have a certain one way of doing it and to begin with Prospecting is an art and it is a sorting process which means your looking for something.This is similar to Fishing in which you place the right bite for the fish to come at your way so prospecting is all about attracting the person Not hunting or pulling him to the presentation and the business in general.
you can begin prospecting by simply starting a conversation with people any time any where those whom you know and those whom you want to get to know but beware NOT to prospect with the intention of Prospecting but to do that by wanting to make a friend and if he is someone you already know then you must do that with the intention of wanting to help him through the business so that he can change his life forever.
another issue you must NOT ignore is that you must NEVER EVER establish the relationship with a nother person just to get him into your business so the relationship must be established based on moral reasons not for doing business because if you do so you will feel guilty for doing that.
at the end of the day keep in mind that prospecting is nothing but talking to people and in the process you will know when the time is right to invite the person to the presentation and remember that practice makes improvement.

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