الأحد، 18 سبتمبر 2011

Why do I get tired so Quickly when I fight?!!!

Rotten attitude and fatigue are the 2 greatest enemies of a fighter,especially when you are competing in a championship since your ability to endure the fight is all that will take you to the end provided that your technique is good you will be closer to winning this way.
when starting out in your career as a fighter you need to keep in mind with every training you go to that you need to work a little bit more on your stamina if you are to reach your fullest potential in the real fight and stamina can be built best as far as i know using these ways:
1.Skipping,this is by far the best stamina building exercise and not only that since it builds also your lateral muscles for you to be able to shift your movements as fast as possible during the fight so it improves speed,agility,& timing too
2.Sprints,the faster you can run in less time the more stamina you have
3.Shadow fight,my emphasis on shadow fight is high since it helps you improve technique,timing,power,&stamina and one of the greatest benefits it has that it teaches you to regulate and time your moves during the fight which is critical if you are in it to win it.
4.cycling,it is also one of the best cardio exercises you can do to burn fats and improve stamina to a great extent
5.crunches, to improve your breathing during the fight resulting in better stamina

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