الاثنين، 3 أكتوبر 2011

5 tips to start a business?

How can you start your own business without having to invest in any thing but a portion of your time and effort?What does it take to succeed in business?
If you are looking for a way to increase your income and achieve your dreams or have more free time then you must keep in mind then here are 5 tips to help do so.

1.Turn your hobbies in business.this might seem a little bit challenging but if you really give it a second thought then you will notice that you're doing it already without any financial reward so how great would it making money doing what you love!
2.Figure out Who could benefit from this hobby and offer your services to them at a reasonable price.it is no wrong to use your talents to make money from by helping other people do so.
3.Dedicate 3-5 hrs/week to do this business or you can do it full time if you are willing to make it really BIG!
4.Open a savings account and deposit 10% of the money in it so you can later dig into it and enjoy the vacation in your favorite place!!!.
5.Look for partners to work with you and expand your business at an reasonable commission.

الجمعة، 23 سبتمبر 2011

How to solve engineering problems?

Engineering students sometimes face sometimes tough problems in their field of study which takes a lot of focus,scientific background and basic science knowledge to solve these problems and here i would like to share some points which will help any student or an engineer solve a problem.
Engineering problems go beyond  technical issues to reach other factors :economical,social,etc.
here we're going to specifically speak about technical problems which students are bound to solve in their academic life but the aspiring engineer must keep in mind that these problems only represent a portion of the whole picture in the real practice of engineering.

1.Do you understand the problem?many students presume they understand the problem after reading it once and then crave on finding the solution to the wrong problem.so in order to know for sure that you understand the problem you can simply sketch it and try to state the problem in your own words and then check it again to see if what you understood truly matches the original problem.
2.write down what is Given & what is required.
3.Develop an algorithm for solving the problem not necessarily written but in your mind by asking your self intuitively what are the steps that must be taken in order for this problem.
4.what theories or knowledge can help you find what is missing ?
5.Check your answers to see if you have achieved what is required.
6.seek counsel of more experienced engineer or your professors.

at the end keep in mind that working out engineering problems is not pure science it is science+art which includes common sense,experience and focus & the more problems you solve the better your problem solving skills will be and no matter what happens remember that if any one before you could do it then definitely you can do it too

الأحد، 18 سبتمبر 2011

Why do I get tired so Quickly when I fight?!!!

Rotten attitude and fatigue are the 2 greatest enemies of a fighter,especially when you are competing in a championship since your ability to endure the fight is all that will take you to the end provided that your technique is good you will be closer to winning this way.
when starting out in your career as a fighter you need to keep in mind with every training you go to that you need to work a little bit more on your stamina if you are to reach your fullest potential in the real fight and stamina can be built best as far as i know using these ways:
1.Skipping,this is by far the best stamina building exercise and not only that since it builds also your lateral muscles for you to be able to shift your movements as fast as possible during the fight so it improves speed,agility,& timing too
2.Sprints,the faster you can run in less time the more stamina you have
3.Shadow fight,my emphasis on shadow fight is high since it helps you improve technique,timing,power,&stamina and one of the greatest benefits it has that it teaches you to regulate and time your moves during the fight which is critical if you are in it to win it.
4.cycling,it is also one of the best cardio exercises you can do to burn fats and improve stamina to a great extent
5.crunches, to improve your breathing during the fight resulting in better stamina

السبت، 17 سبتمبر 2011

How should i train to become a tough fighter?

Combat training doesn't take much of a brain but it surely takes determination and persistence and believing in yourself.
from my own experience i found out that my center of focus in training should be placed on Developing my fighting technique and sharpen my mental focus and if you take the follow guidelines to heart then i believe you would develop a unique fighting style and the confidence to take on the toughest opponents cos keep in mind that every tough fighter has a weakness and to win the fight you must find and use that weakness to your advantage and the best way to do this in my opinion is to develop your technique so that you can time your moves during the fight and BANG! he is down
1.Fighting is not only about striking but also about possessing the guts to take a hit,so it is crucial to work on your defense with your instructor and Never take a hit personally it is simply part of winning the game.
2.always keep your cool and never be tense so that you can Focus and deliver at your optimum strength cos tensity keeps you from giving your best.
3.during the fight Speed matters,you can improve your speed using skipping and jogging
4.make Shadow fight a consistent part of your training to keep improving your technique and building your inner strength & power

these are crucial things you need to understand to be able to become a tough fighter so please don't forget to comment & i will see you next time with more Helpful tips and strategies to help you become the Ultimate Fighter...

الجمعة، 16 سبتمبر 2011

Fighting 101

Becoming a good fighter takes more than strength of muscles.in fact if your main focus is training your muscles you won't become a good fighter at all but you can be a fitness instructor.
being a good fighter is mainly about attitude and skills which means being confident of your ability to win the battle and having good techniques and skills to backup this attitude are the fundamentals of not only good but Great fighters and to help you do that I've enlisted a few points to help you begin your journey to that goal.
1.Practice often.this is crucial in order for you to sharpen your technique and develop confidence regular training is top priority.
2.Focus on the basics ,the better you are at the basics the better at fighting you will be and don't get involved in traditional martial arts such Karate,kungfu ,taekwando and you don't need to to memorize 100 moves to be able to beat up your opponent ,all you need is to learn the basic punches,kicks and learn how to defend yourself
3.Develop your stamina and skipping is one of the best ways to build your stamina and fitness in general
4.Practice shadow fight to improve and adjust your technique so you can be REALLY that good
4.Spar with someone who is better than you at fighting so you can sharpen your skills

and always keep in mind that EVERY MASTER was ONCE a DISASTER!
and meet up later in the Next Blog on more about Professional Fighting...

الثلاثاء، 6 سبتمبر 2011

How to prospect?

Prospecting is one of the challenging yet the simplest areas in Network Marketing in that it doesn't have a certain one way of doing it and to begin with Prospecting is an art and it is a sorting process which means your looking for something.This is similar to Fishing in which you place the right bite for the fish to come at your way so prospecting is all about attracting the person Not hunting or pulling him to the presentation and the business in general.
you can begin prospecting by simply starting a conversation with people any time any where those whom you know and those whom you want to get to know but beware NOT to prospect with the intention of Prospecting but to do that by wanting to make a friend and if he is someone you already know then you must do that with the intention of wanting to help him through the business so that he can change his life forever.
another issue you must NOT ignore is that you must NEVER EVER establish the relationship with a nother person just to get him into your business so the relationship must be established based on moral reasons not for doing business because if you do so you will feel guilty for doing that.
at the end of the day keep in mind that prospecting is nothing but talking to people and in the process you will know when the time is right to invite the person to the presentation and remember that practice makes improvement.

الثلاثاء، 30 أغسطس 2011

The Art of Delegation!!!

Recently,i read an article which was adopted from an interview with Sir Richard Branson who is considered to be the world's greatest brand builder of this age.
 In the interview the reporter asked Branson of how he could manage the vast amount of companies under the Virgin group successful throughout the years and Branson quoted that his ability to run and manage all of his businesses returned to his reliance on Virgin's CEOs and managers all over the world to do that on behalf of him since he learned from an early time to delegate and let go and as the conversation goes on Branson starts to reveal more of the secrets behind his phenomenal success in terms of Brand Building


الأحد، 28 أغسطس 2011

How can I change???

Everyone of us wants to change something in his or her life that we struggle many times to change our lives but we still don't to be either too hard or we don't know how to just do it.I have learned a great tool from a Malaysian billionaire and the CEO of QI group his name is DATO Vijay Eswaran called "Mauna" you can learn more about it from his book called "In the Sphere of Silence"                http://www.inthesphereofsilence.com/         
this book which VijayEswaran himself wrote explains in details all about this wonderful technique called "Mauna" which is by far the best self management tool i've ever learned and have been practicing it for over 6 months now and i can tell you from what i have witnessed and the transformation i have been through is almost unbelievable and the best news is that you can learn this technique and use it YOURSELF so that you can live a fulfilled and prosperous life.

King AbdulAziz University (Hamlet 2011)

Me & my Friend Zaid doing a mafia scene

السبت، 27 أغسطس 2011

The Art of U!!!: Belief

The Art of U!!!: Belief: Recently, i came a cross a wonderful article titled as''Belief'' for an Asian Multimillionaire Named Joseph Bismark on his website and i bel...


Recently, i came a cross a wonderful article titled as''Belief'' for an Asian Multimillionaire Named Joseph Bismark on his website and i believe this is one of the best articles which truly represent the essence of truth about what we need to understand and become fully aware of concerning our beliefs if we are to reach our fullest potential and peaks of happiness and success.

Letting Go of Negative People

Entrepreneurial Advice from Billionaires

الخميس، 25 أغسطس 2011

The Magic of Attitude!

Hello Everyone,
as we all know that success stories are booming now a days as they appear in the media but i would like to take a few moments just to explore to some depth my own insight on the true meaning and secret of success.
what i Truly believe is that there is nothing such as one type of success .think about it for a minute,can you even define the word''SUCCESS'' ,sure you can and also every person will have a different definition for success but this is not my point since there is no point arguing or trying to define this term but what i really like to know is what makes the person successful while a nother not?you may say ''well,luck does it or connections or whatever'' but if that would be true then how come that people such as Steve Jobs,Martin Luther king,Bill Gates,Thomas Edison,John F.Kennedy who were born & struggled to become who they are without all of these (Claimed) factors of success.i will tell you why because of what i believe is the difference that makes all the difference in life and between success and failure is ATTITUDE.
Attitude which is the factor which you control above all is what makes you successful cos if you think about any person who ever succeeded or a public figure you won't find any one who wasn't sure or believed in himself that he could it and that he would have achieved his kind of success and this is my friend is the secret of success.